Image credit: miohospital
We are surrounded by and consume hundreds of carcinogenic substances each day. These substances act as igniters and accelerators. They damage tissue and inspire immune responses like gasoline enrages a fire. Many of these are neurotoxins, which attach themselves to your nervous system and endocrine gland system. This creates hypoactivity, or lowering of the function of these systems, which can create a multitude of symptoms including difficulty in breathing, heart arrhythmia, MS and Lou Gehrig’s
disease. You must take full responsibility for your own health. Even our government has little concern about the levels of environmental toxicity Politicians don’t seem to realize that they are affected just as everyone else is. Why do you think cancer is soaring? The truth has been well hidden by those who wish to gain from all this. However, they will eventually succumb to these toxins, just as everyone else is.
2. Fill your house with live plants. Philoden-drons (philodendron spp.) are known to absorb formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene, trichloroethylene and hydrates, as well as xylene.
The following plants are great indoor plants and will help clean indoor air:
Philodendron (Philodendron spp.)
Spider Plants (Chlorophytum comosum)
Bamboo plant (Rhapis excelsa)
Corn Plant (Dracaena fragrans)
English Ivy (Hederá helix)
Bromeliads (Cryp tan thus spp.)
Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum spp.)
House-type Palms
Ficus Tree
Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)
3. Always wash your fruits and vegetables before you eat them. Use a vegetable wash or fresh lemon juice with hydrogen peroxide.
4. Eat an 80 to 100 percent raw food diet. Eat fruits even more so than vegetables. Fruits are full of antioxidant and astringent properties. They will keep your lymphatic (immune) system clean and moving. They also enhance the strength of a cell, especially brain and nerve cells.
5. In traffic, keep your car’s outside air vent closed. Make sure your car’s exhaust system is not leaking and in good order.
6. Use 100 percent natural hygiene products (soaps, shampoos, etc.). Read the labels. If they have chemicals in them, don’t use them. (If you can’t pronounce it—you probably don’t want it.) What you put on your skin absorbs into your blood stream and circulates throughout your body. This can damage your brain, heart, kidneys and especially your liver.
7. Avoid dry cleaning, as the chemicals used are extremely toxic.
8. Use common sense with everything you do and use. It’s your body and it carries you around this world, as any vehicle would. If it fails—you’re stuck. Chemicals can be extremely dangerous.
9. Avoid cooking. If you must cook, steam your food in stainless steel. Always use stainless steel cookware.
10. Use and clean your air conditioners and air filters. Use the natural, highfiltration- type that removes 1-micron to 3-micron size particles.
11. Use R/O (reverse-osmosis) or steam-distilled water. Note: Avoid storing distilled water in plastic containers. Distilled water will leach some of the chemicals from the plastic into itself.
12. Drink from and use glass as much as possible. Plastic can be toxic to you.
13. Avoid walking for exercise near high traffic areas. Walk in a safe park or wooded area instead.
14. Avoid florescent lighting as much as possible. Be aware of what you eat, drink, breathe and what you put on your skin, as this is how you bring the outside world in.
How not to get Cancer: Tips that can make you avoid Cancer
Reviewed by MeeKhanuu
August 20, 2019

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