There are two things that you must do to lose weight and one of those we have already covered pretty extensively and that is to eat right (How to eat well and still lose enough weight without starving) and fill your body with good, clean water ( weight Loss begins with what you drink every day-- First 10 pounds). The other thing you have to do is get your body moving. You don't have to purchase a gym membership to get exercise. In fact, there are several things you can do on a daily basis that will help to kick start your body into losing weight and there are several exercises you can do on your own to lose weight.
TIP No.1: When you begin working out, whether at home or in a gym, don't be discouraged if you don't see results right away. It takes more than a week to get your body into shape and to begin making progress. Many people make the mistake of believing that their exercising isn't working when it just takes a little bit of time.
If you push your body too much when you first get started exercising you can end up with injuries. Your bones, joints and ligaments are not prepared for the exertion you are putting on them. Don't think that if you really push yourself hard for a few workouts that you'll lose money, unfortunately the body doesn't work this way. Slow and steady wins the race when it comes to exercising.
TIP No.2: Check your weight when you start exercising, but don't use it as a guide to how much weight you are losing. Your weight fluctuates throughout the day. If you check your weight every day, you may only end up getting discouraged.
TIP No.3: The best way to know if you're losing weight is by the fit of your clothes. If you start to feel as though you're floating in your clothes then you know you're eating and exercising is doing you some good. Another way to know if you're losing weight is if you can begin moving where you usually buckle your belt, of course tighter is better.
TIP No.4: When you periodically check your weight and the fit of your clothes, reward yourself. Buy yourself some new running shoes or a new pair of jeans. This will help to keep you motivated as you pursue your weight loss goals.Take a day off from exercising to provide your body with a chance to rest and repair. Your body needs a day off once a week.
TIP No.5: Three days of 30 minute exercise will help you to maintain your weight, but you need at least 4 days of 30 minute exercise to begin to lose weight and 5 days a week is even better.
TIP No.6: Collect information on exercise and easy things you can do from your own home. There is tons of extensive research available on exercise and you can choose what will assist you the most to meet your weight loss goals. Browse the Internet or pick up some books on health and exercise from your local bookstore or library to learn more and how to burn off the desired number of calories you are trying to burn each week.
TIP No.7: Try to find an exercise buddy. This should be someone who is as committed to exercising and losing weight as you are. One of the advantages of finding a committed partner is that you have someone to keep feeling responsible to them. The knowledge that someone is waiting on you makes it easier for you to get out of bed and go exercise with them. When your body tells you it has had enough, take a break. When you have worked out for a considerable amount of time, you will start receiving signals from your body. This is particularly important when you are just getting started in your exercise routine.
TIP No.8: If you decide to increase the length of your workouts, do so gradually. The same is true for the intensity of your workouts.
Select an exercise routine that suits your lifestyle. Everybody has a different lifestyle and a different profession. There is no set time that you should or should not workout. If you like to workout late before you go to bed because it is relaxing to you then do it. If you like to workout early in the morning because it helps you wake up then that's great too. Some people like to workout on their lunch break to take a break from the stress of their job or because that is the only time they have available.
TIP No.9: Don't stand around, walk around. If you can walk around then do it. People who are pacers are actually doing themselves a lot of good because they are constantly moving. Pacing also helps you think.
Don't sit if you can stand. If you can stand comfortably, you will burn more calories doing so than if you were to sit.
Don't lie down if you can sit. Same concept as the two above.
TIP No.10: The couch and the television are anti-weight loss. If you are inclined to become a couch potato, don't sit on it. In fact, if you have to, put a not so comfortable chair in front of the television so you won't spend so much time in front of it. The same is true for the computer if you're a computer junkie. Some people have a more comfortable chair in front of their computer than they do in front of their television. (This is, of course, if you don't work from home and need to work hours at a time in front of your computer because your chair is very important then.)
TIP No.11: If you have a job where you sit the whole time, stand up and stretch every half hour or so. Most of today's jobs are in front of a computer and require you to sit. If you have a job like this make it a point to move every so often.
Walk around while you're on the telephone. You'll get a good workout if it is a long conversation.
Use the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. These are great conveniences, but they make us very lazy. Also, it may be quicker to take the stairs than to wait on an elevator to open.
TIP No.12: 10 minutes of cardio a day is good for most, you can get this by other methods than running.
If you can't run for a physical reason, then try 15 minutes of brisk walking to keep fit.
You can walk anywhere if you have time. If work or the grocery store is not far away, consider walking there or riding a bike. It may take you longer, but you're getting your workout in at the same time.
TIP No.13: Do your own fetching. If you need something from the kitchen, the TV channel changed, the mail or newspaper from the driveway, walk and get it yourself. Adding a little walking to your day will do wonders for you.
Walk along or climb the escalator with it or just take the stairs. Take the stairs two at a time instead of one at a time. This causes you to have to exert yourself more and increases your heart rate.
Walk around during commercial breaks or do simple exercises like crunches or bending over and touching your toes. Do anything to get your body moving more and to keep your blood pumping.
TIP No.14: If you take public transportation, get off a block before your stop and walk the remainder of the way. This is a good way to squeeze in a walk before and after work or on the way to another destination.
TIP No.15: Do pelvic gyrations to get your midsection in shape. Of course, you wouldn't do these with anybody around, but they are a good step in getting your body prepared for more serious stomach crunches. It is also good on the back muscles and keeps you loose instead of tight.
Suck in your stomach when you walk. Walk properly, but do your best to keep that stomach tucked in. You will soon begin to feel those muscles tightening.
Do breathing exercises to tone your midsection. It is amazing how breathing properly and with your entire diaphragm can actually help to tighten your abdominal muscles. Most people breathe way too shallow as it is and oxygen is good for the brain.
TIP No.16: Experiment with yoga. Yoga is a great way to lose weight and reduce your stress levels. Yoga teaches you how to control your muscles and gain more control of your individual muscles groups.
Lift weights. Strength training burns more fat than people give it credit. When you work on building muscle, they begin to burn fat to fuel muscles growth. Do be aware that when you gain muscle, your scale may not be an accurate tool in determining weight loss because muscle weighs more than fat.
TIP No.17: Take your dog on a walk. Chances are that if you're not getting enough exercise, neither is your pet. Or, let your dog take you on a walk. For once in his life, let him lead you where he wants to go and as fast as he wants to get there. It could be a good workout for the both of you.
TIP No.18: Swim whenever you can. Swimming is a great way to get your cardio exercise and it's low to no impact on your joints, which is great for people who have osteoporosis or joint problems.
Try playing tennis or basketball. Playing games are a great way to get into shape. It's also more fun to workout with someone else in a competitive atmosphere. You will be more driven to push yourself and you'll burn more calories, just don't overdo it.
TIP No.19: Always start your workout with a warm up of about 5-10 minutes and end with a cool down of 5-10 minutes. Your body needs to reach a certain heart rate level before it will respond well to the rest of the workout.
TIP NO.20: Before going to bed, undress and stare at yourself in front of the mirror. Take note of what areas you need to improve on and what areas are your best assets. Taking a self-inventory can keep you motivated in your workout endeavors. Also, don't forget to compliment yourself on any new muscle tone you may have or other improvements you've made.
Most people would like to target their stomachs and get rid of that area all together. Unfortunately, we can't spot reduce. But, one thing you can do is a breathing exercise to help tighten those stomach muscles.
Breathe in air as strong as you can and tuck your stomach at the same time as much as you can. Hold it for a few seconds and then slowly let it out. Don't let it out so fast that your belly flops out. This is not good. Try to breathe like this whenever you think about it, about 50-60 times a day is ideal. This will help you to lose at least an inch within 20 days or so.
For a reference use this 20 minutes chart to assist you in your weight loss endeavors. This chart shows you how many calories each of these common exercises burn, based on 20 minutes.
Important Tips to follow before starting Workout for losing weight
Reviewed by MeeKhanuu
August 16, 2019

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